Author: aviran

  • x86 reverse shellcode documented example

    Writing a shellcode is hard, documented references are scarce and figuring out how to translate function calls into assembly is a pain. I’m posting here a shellcode I wrote a while back. It’s not a perfect example, it can be shorter and more elegant, but it works and does not contain null bytes – It…

  • How to mass follow all Twitter users in one page



    Here’s a neat trick I found that allows you to follow in one action all the twitter users that are presented in a single page on twitter, you can use it on the search results or you can do it on the Followers or Following page of a given user. I’m going to show you…

  • Apple iOS application review time

    Just sharing my latest experience of publishing an app on the Apple App Store, it took 5 days for the app to go from the initial state of Waiting for Review to In Review and a little less than 24 hours for it to be approved and Ready for Sale. So basically, it took Apple…

  • Using the back button on Android with Cocos2d-x 3

    Among the many changes done in version 3 of cocos2d-x CCLayer::backKeyClicked() has been deprecated. So how do you catch that back key click these day? Here’s how, you need to override Layer::onKeyReleased() and compare the value of keyCode to KEY_ESCAPE, as shown in the following code From there you just need to handle the click.…