Author: aviran

  • Using Google to redirect to a URL

    Google uses ‘’ to redirect and track clicks in Google’s search engine, we can use that to redirect to anywhere through Google’s system. Google Play will not reject that URL because it originates from Google’s domain name. You can use Google’s URL redirection service to create a Google URL which will redirect to your desired…

  • ARP ping with Python and Scapy

    Usually we use the ping command to check if a machine exists at the address we ping, if we get a reply (Pong!) we know there’s a machine at that address. The traditional ping works using the ICMP protocol and sends icmp-echo-request (Ping) and icmp-echo-reply (Pong) packets. A machine can choose to ignore the echo…

  • ARP poisoning using Python and Scapy

    What is ARP poisoning Machines on a TCP/IP local area network identify each other and communicate using the physical addresses of their network adapters (MAC address). Every machine keeps a list (cache) of neighboring machines and their MAC addresses, if that list is contaminated, i.e a machine on that list will have the wrong MAC…

  • An easy way to get all the link URLs of a webpage

    Open the javascript console in your browser, if you’re using Chrome hit CTRL+SHIFT+J and if you’re using Firefox CTRL+SHIFT+K will display the console. Input the following code and you will get a list of the addresses all the HTML anchors are pointing at. links[i] is an HTMLAnchorElement, if you need different property about the href…